Katy Trail, Dallas, TX

Inaugurated 2005


David’s Way

2005, The Katy Trail
Dallas, TX

This work is a memorial to David Meyerson, commissioned by the Meyerson family of Dallas, TX. Marlene Myerson had seen a lecture of my work at the Rockefeller Institute. I had thought the event was not well received until Marlene Meyerson approached me afterwards and said she would like to talk with me about a project.

As it turned out, David and I had some of the same “Puckish” sense of humor and the family thought a work of mine might be a fitting tribute to their son. The family had already proposed a public meditative place on the KATY Trail, a “rails-to-trails” public project in Dallas, so my commitment to creating works in public places was also in line with their thinking.

HBeat Performance