
Disembodied Instruments
Montclair State University, NJ

For the past 30 years, Janney has been exploring the structures of music and architecture. In his on-going investigation “Disembodied Instruments,” he has spread the sounds of instruments through-out a venue, as in his 2011 performance at Montclair State University, NJ during his “Everywhere is the Best Seat” three-month installation. Featuring the vocals from the “kings of a cappella” The Persuasions, and top-notch musicians from NYC and Boston, Janney scored music for this unique setting, using a 36-speaker array together with a quadrophonic sound system.


Disembodied Instruments
Art Basel, Miami

In his 2012 iteration as part of major exhibiton at Art Basil Miami Beach, Janney brought new compositions with the addition of 2 drummers and tabla, two keyboardists, sax/EWI and the sweet vocals from members of the Persuasions. Creating an exhibition space/dance club in Miami’s Design District, Janney installed his work “Touch My Building” on the facade of the venue for the week’s festivities. His Saturday night performance with these funk and jazz musicians together mixing in his extended text samples from John Cage, Ram Das, Homer Simpson and Donald Rumsfeld created one of his trade-mark “synaesthetic experiences.”


HBeat Performance